Duro Felguera | Cotización
27 February 2024

Takeover, syndication agreement and registration in the commercial register

On 26 February, two relevant information for Duro Felguera were communicated through the CNMV. The first, the notification of the takeover and the syndication agreement signed by Prodi and Mota-Engil Mexico to jointly define the management of the company, of which they own 54.66% of the capital.

In the second, the company has reported on the registration in the Commercial Registry of Asturias of the two public deeds of execution of the Capital Increase with Rights and the Increase by Capitalisation of Debt granted on 22 February 2024, in accordance with article 508.2 of the Capital Companies Act.

As a result, the share capital of Duro Felguera has been set at 10,758,971.55 euros, represented by 215,179,431 shares with a par value of 0.05 euro cents each.

The new Duro Felguera shares began trading on Friday 23 February.

The capital increase is a crucial milestone marking a new beginning. With a strengthened financial position and an ambitious business plan, Duro Felguera is preparing to be reborn just as it has just celebrated 166 years since the incorporation of the company called Duro y Compañía, which gave rise to the company and with which one of the greatest industrial adventures of our country began.

“166 years of history are within the reach of very few companies”, emphasised Jaime Argüelles, who expressed his satisfaction and collective recognition for the great success of the operation. The CEO expressed his “pride in working at Duro Felguera at this time, which has been key to the company continuing for many years to come”.

Meanwhile, the president, Rosa Aza, considers that the success of a company must be measured in the long term and lies in its ability to survive, overcoming uncertainties and demonstrating that it knows how to make the right decisions in the different phases of the economic cycle. “This is what has made Duro Felguera a great company throughout its history”, she pointed out.