Duro Felguera | Cotización

The company


Duro Felguera presents the business plan and the capital increase with the entry of leading industrial investment partners as a fundamental element for the future of the company

The CEO of Duro Felguera, Jaime Argüelles, presented last Thursday to the market the main lines of the Company’s business plan and the capital increase project to allow two new industrial partners to become shareholders. Before a large representation of analysts and the media, he explained that it is a plan that marks the passage “from a phase of viability to another of growth and expansion” and expressed his conviction that it will be “very beneficial for the shareholders, the stakeholders of Duro Felguera and its workers”.

Insider information

Duro Felguera communicates the following information in relation to the execution of a binding memorandum of understanding (the “MOU”) dated 21 February 2023 between Grupo Promotor de Desarrollo e Infraestructura, S.A. de C.V. (“Grupo Prodi”), Mota-Engil México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (“Mota-Engil México”) and Duro Felguera.
The ultimate objective of the MOU is the contribution of funds to Duro Felguera and the incorporation of Grupo Prodi and, in the scenario described in point 9 below, Mota-Engil Mexico as industrial partners of Duro Felguera, with the specific purpose of ensuring the long-term viability and sustainable growth of Duro Felguera.

Management Committee

•Executive President: Eduardo Espinosa Bustamante Management of the Services Business Unit: Juan José Herrero Rodríguez • Economic and Financial Management: Guillermo de Alba Rodríguez •


Origins The foundation, in February 1858, of the company Duro y Compañía, promoted by Pedro Duro Benito, marks the beginning of the business trajectory of

Mission, Vision and Values

Mission Company specialised in the execution of turnkey projects for power generation, industrial and Oil & Gas facilities, the provision of industrial services and the

Who we are

Duro Felguera is a global company based in Asturias. It was founded at the end of the 19th century with the first ironworks and the