Duro Felguera | Cotización

Mining & Handling


Sodium carbonate transport plant

Year: 2022 Bulk solids transport project in Mejillones Bay (Antofagasta region, Chile). EPC contract for the Soda Ash project, consisting of the construction of a

New processing plant for silver mine

Year: 2022 Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the new processing plant, promoted by Aya Gold & Silver, at the Zgounder silver mine, located

Copper Concentrate Loading System

Turnkey Project for the Expansion, Improvement and Refurbishment of the new Copper Concentrate Loading System at the port facilities. The project comprises de implementation of

Roy Hill Iron Ore Project

Roy Hill Project has been designed to export 55 Mta of Iron Ore and includes Mine, Process Plant, Storage Yard, Heavy Railroad System from Mine