Customer | Location | Date | Description | Type (*) |
CARBOEX ENDESA, S.A. | Ferrol Port. Galicia – SPAIN | 2001 | New Terminal for Imported Coal | DFS |
C.V.G. FERROMINERA ORINOCO, C.A. | Ciudad Piar – VENEZUELA | 2002 | Friable Iron Ore Processing Plant and Materials Handling System | DFS |
C.V.G. FERROMINERA ORINOCO, C.A. | Ciudad Piar – VENEZUELA | 2004 | Friable Iron Ore Processing Plant and Materials Handling System | BE |
ARCELOR MITTAL MINING SENEGAL, S.A. | SENEGAL | 2008 | Front End Engineering and Design for Materials Handling System, Faléme Iron Ore Project | FEED |
C.V.G. FERROMINERA ORINOCO, C.A. | Ciudad Piar – VENEZUELA | 2010 | Trade-off Study of the Integration between a New Hard Iron Ore Concentrator and the Friable Iron Ore Processing Plant Project | TOS |
TUROL TRADING (Sefos Senegal) | SENEGAL | 2010 | Phosphates Processing Plant | SS |
BERKELEY / JACOBS | Salamanca SPAIN | 2011 | Mining Domain Conceptual Basic Engineering Study U Salamanca Project | DFS |
PT. GEMA ENERGY INDONESIA | Nusatenggara Timur -INDONESIA | 2012 | Scoping Study Process Plant Mn | PFS |
BERKELEY / SENET Pty. | Salamanca – SPAIN | 2013 | Uranium Ore Plant | PFS |
(*) Type:
BE: Basic Engineering / DFS: Definitive Feasibility Study / FEED: Front End Engineering & Design / PFS: Pre-Feasibility Study / SS: Scoping Study / TOS: Trade-Off Study