Duro Felguera | Cotización

Business consolidation and growth ICT_CCE3

The “Business consolidation growth ICT CCE_3” project (IDE/2016/000414), jointly financed by the Regional Government of the Principality of Asturias through the IDEPA and the European Union through ERDF Funds.

This is an initiative to promote the growth and consolidation of the ICT Sector in Asturias, by means of mergers and other instruments of cooperation which enable companies to grow and thereby become more competitive, to make sustainable investment in R&D&i, to incorporate talent with the best professionals and facilitate their penetration into other countries.

The following entities are taking part: AEI del Conocimiento de Asturias (Project Coordinator), Felguera TI, Intermark, Izertis and Neosystems.


  • Identifying cores of collaboration among companies as a basis for possible mergers, alliances, joint ventures, groups of economic interest, etc.
  • Generating a framework structured by groups of companies to promote long-term and not just specific or temporary collaboration.
  • A commitment to converging to compete, grow and internationalize.


  • The identification and study of the possibilities of taking on resizing processes; an analysis of the situation and possibilities.
  • The configuration of/search for strategic groups among participants and/or with third parties to design resizing operations. Moving forwards in the design of resizing operations with other companies.
  • Support for the consolidation of resizing processes already underway.

Duro Felguera bets on young talent and joins Recruiting Erasmus programme

Duro Felguera has recently joined Recruiting Erasmus, an initiative led by PeopleMatters, a consultancy firm specialising in people management, which aims to facilitate contact between partner companies and Spanish and foreign students, whether through an Erasmus scholarship or another training programme, who want to make the leap into the professional world.