Duro Felguera | Cotización
10 May 2023

Duro Felguera registers its carbon footprint in the state registry of the Ministry for the ecological transition

Duro Felguera continues to make progress in its commitment against climate change. Our company has obtained the registration of its carbon footprint in the registry of the Ministry for Ecological Transition, a favourable resolution granted by the Spanish Office for Climate Change.
Following this decision, Duro Felguera has been included in the “carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments” section of the register, and has been awarded a carbon footprint seal that reflects the company’s efforts to combat climate change.
This official certification takes into account the fundamental principles described in the ISO 14064-1 standard, whose methodology consists of assessing all greenhouse gas emission sources and relevant activities of the company included in the scope of the inventory. This methodology allows for meaningful comparisons of emissions data and information over time.
During 2022, Duro Felguera prepared a GHG emissions report (also called carbon footprint report), externally verified by the company LRQA (formerly Lloyds Register), and subsequently submitted to the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge for the registration of our company’s carbon footprint. This process now culminates with the inclusion of Duro Felguera in the state carbon footprint register.
Belén Fariña, corporate head of HSE and Sustainability, has taken stock of the great work done by Duro Felguera highlighting that “this recognition is another step forward in the sustainability and climate change strategy of our organisation”.