Duro Felguera | Cotización

Logistics Follow-Up System for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Trabaja con nosotros

Felguera Tecnologías de la Información is coordinating the project for the development of a logistical monitoring and follow-up system within the pharmaceutical industry, called LOGISTICAL FOLLOW-UP SYSTEM FOR THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY.

Other companies taking part in the project are COFAS (Cooperativa Farmacéutica Asturiana) and ADN CONTEXT-AWARE MOBILE SOLUTIONS.

Tecnologías de la Información leads a consortium with Magtel Operaciones and ICUBE Ingeniería Internacionalización e Innovación for the development of the project “Augmented Factory 4.0 (AF4)

– Development of the cyber-physical augmented reality system for real-time decision-making support in processing industries”.

Duro Felguera bets on young talent and joins Recruiting Erasmus programme

Duro Felguera has recently joined Recruiting Erasmus, an initiative led by PeopleMatters, a consultancy firm specialising in people management, which aims to facilitate contact between partner companies and Spanish and foreign students, whether through an Erasmus scholarship or another training programme, who want to make the leap into the professional world.