Duro Felguera | Cotización

Shareholders and investors

Shareholders Office

DF has opened a Shareholders Service Department in order to enjoy transparent and fluent communication with investors all over the world so that they can obtain information about the company’s situation from a reliable source.

DF has therefore made available for its shareholders the following means of contact:

  • Address: Parque Científico Tecnológico. c/ Ada Byron, 90. 33203 Gijón – Asturias. España
  • Tel: 900 714 34
  • E-mail: accionistas@durofelguera.com

Information on Data Protection


Duro Felguera, S.A.


  • Establecer un cauce de comunicación entre la sociedad y sus accionistas
  • Atender y gestionar las consultas, solicitudes, peticiones de información, reclamaciones y sugerencias formuladas por los accionistas, bien a través de correo postal o electrónico, o mediante contacto por vía telefónica.

Debe proporcionar los datos requeridos en el formulario como obligatorios. En el caso de no facilitar los datos solicitados con carácter obligatorio, no se podrá tramitar la solicitud.


Consentimiento del Interesado.

Cumplimiento de una obligación legal


Directamente del interesado.


Los datos podrán ser comunicados a organismos judiciales o administraciones competentes.


Acceso, rectificación, supresión, limitación, oposición y portabilidad, así como otros derechos explicados en la Información Adicional.

Información Adicional

Puede consultar la información adicional sobre Protección de Datos en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Jaime Isita: ‘we are working with maximum intensity to restore the value of Duro Felguera’

On Friday 6th September, Duro Felguera held an Extraordinary General Meeting in which the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors for the next four years was formalised. During the meeting, the company’s Chairman, Jaime Isita Portilla, underlined the strategic importance of these appointments: ‘We have completed the creation of a dynamic and agile Board, prepared to respond to the current and future demands of the market with flexibility and vision’.

A new Board of Directors for a new era

The election, yesterday, of a new Board of Directors of Duro Felguera represents the beginning of a new stage, once the company has been consolidated, energized and strengthened.

The Board, together with the Chief Executive Officer, Jaime Argüelles, is already working on the promising future of the company to take advantage of the great business and growth opportunities that are presented in the sectors in which the company operates, mainly those related to industrial decarbonization and energy transition.

Other relevant information: the company announces the renewal of the Board of Directors

On May 13, 2024, Mr. Jaime Isita Portilla, who has also been appointed Chairman, Mr. Eduardo Espinosa Bustamante, appointed Vice-Chairman, and Ms. Mónica Rodrigues Sequeira, all three with the condition of proprietary directors, and Mr. Gerardo Tietzsch Rodríguez Peña, as independent director, accepted the position and joined the Board by cooptation. Likewise, Mr. Manuel Angel Romero Rey has been appointed as non-director Vice-Secretary of the Board of Directors.

Takeover, syndication agreement and registration in the commercial register

On 26 February, two relevant information for Duro Felguera were communicated through the CNMV. The first, the notification of the takeover and the syndication agreement signed by Prodi and Mota-Engil Mexico to jointly define the management of the company, of which they own 54.66% of the capital.

In the second, the company has reported on the registration in the Commercial Registry of Asturias of the two public deeds of execution of the Capital Increase with Rights and the Increase by Capitalisation of Debt granted on 22 February 2024, in accordance with article 508.2 of the Capital Companies Act.