Duro Felguera | Cotización

Logistic Systems


Automated truck loading and unloading > Automatic loading and unloading of trucks and containers


Truck loader/unloader.

Automatic loading and unloading of trucks and containers

System load capacity 150 pallets/h
Truck loading time (30 pallets) 12 min
Maximum capacity of Truck Loading Car (TLC) 3.000 kg
Speed 1 m/s (empty)
0,5 m/s (with load)
Acceleration 0,3 m/s2
Lifting acceleration 0,23 m/s2
Travelling speed – acceleration 0,33 m/s / 0,16 m/s2
Minimum width of truck box 2.100 mm
Maximum length of truck box 13.500 mm
Work area temperature 0-45o
