Industrial Plants

Circular economy
Emission reductions

Fabricación de bienes de equipo

Duro Felguera also develops projects for complex industrial plants in the iron and steel, chemical, cellulose and other sectors in general.

In this field it offers extensive experience, proven capacity and the necessary means to carry out projects that include design, supply, construction, assembly and commissioning.


Tanques de Gas Natural Licuado (GNL)

Tanques verticales y esféricos de almacenamiento

Plantas de almacenamiento de hidrocarburos

Operation and Maintenance

Proyectos “llave en mano”


Explaining our renewable hydrogen storage solutions

Duro Felguera is participating as a collaborating company in the course “hydrogen sustainable fuel” organised by the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Minas del Noroeste de España, in Oviedo. Last Saturday, José Aurelio Suárez Devesa, responsible for Activation and Monitoring in Duro Felguera Energy Storage, was in charge of the presentation “Hydrogen and its storage”.


  • DF Complex Industrial Plants

    AddressParque Científico Tecnológico
    C/ Ada Byron, 90
    33203 Gijón, Asturias (Spain)
    Telephone+34 985 179 449